Looking for Assistance in Implementing COVID Mitigation Best Practices?

Looking to ensure you have a safe working environment for you and your occupants? There is a prescriptive path established by the National Energy Management Institute (NEMI) that meets or exceeds all current OSHA, WHO, CDC and ASHRAE guidelines. This collaborative and interactive process will ensure that all possible steps are taken to ensure a safe indoor environment. Once implemented, we can provide a COVID-19 Reopening Ventilation Verification Certificate you can present to occupants/tenants.

The attached White Paper by National Energy Management Institute outlines these concrete implementation steps to verify that building air ventilation and filtration systems meet or exceed these important standards.

Contact Clair Gehrt (clairg@velocitybts.com / 206-751-2047) to find out how Velocity Building Technical Services can help you implement these steps within your building.
#indoorairquality #IAQ


NEMI White-Paper-on-Proposed-Building-Ventilation-and-Efficiency-Verification-and-Repair-Program